Dopplex DR5 is a unique vascular reporting software package for use in conjunction with the Dopplex DMX, ATP and ABI kits. It allows real time visualisation of waveforms on a PC and stored for reviewing, archiving and printing. Traces can also be transferred from the DMX memory card. Key features of DR5 include: Upper and…
Dopplex High Sensitivity Probes
The new range of high sensitivity XS probes have been designed to maximise performance of the Doppler’s for use in a wide variety of clinical applications and procedures. These include the 4, 5, 8, and 10MHz options and the unique wide-beam EZ8 8MHz probe. 2 MHz and 3MHz probes can also be used for obstetric…
Dopplex DMX Digital Doppler with Waveform
Our Bi-Directional waveform is uniquely generated from the digital Doppler spectrum. This gives the clinician objective evidence to assist in the diagnosis of vascular disease that other Dopplers may find difficult or impossible to achieve. Our algorithms optimise the presentation of waveforms and enhance the quality of sound using our unique Dynamic Digital Noise Reduction…