Sonicaid Dawes-Redman CTG Analysis

Sonicaid Dawes-Redman CTG Analysis is a unique software tool, which provides a numeric analysis of the CTG trace and a robust interpretation based on the world-renowned Dawes-Redman Criteria.

This is the result of the largest study of its type ever undertaken, conducted by Professors Dawes, Redman et al, at Oxford University.


  • Because the traditional approach of assessing a trace by eye is based on highly subjective, opinion. This has repeatedly been shown to be a major problem.
  • Because communication based on subjective opinion (“It looks a bit flat”), has also been shown to be associated with poor outcomes.
  • Because training is often very limited
  • Dawes-Redman Analysis can help by improving outcomes.
  • It is a powerful aid to pregnancy management and has the potential to avoid poor outcomes.


  • With results in as little as 10 minutes it can speed up the time taken to perform CTGs.